Sunday, October 25, 2009

this week's shop update

i've got some lovely things going up in the shop this week. i won't get them all up tonight, but should get them all up by wednesday!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Going up in the shop tonight!

Here is my long awaited, first of many, fall shop updates! sorry its been so long in coming, but at least i've finally got the first batch ready!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

apple picking in ohio

This set of pictures was taken a little bit ago, back when we were in ohio. i was waiting to post them until i got back some of the lomography shots that i had taken that day also, but alas, the new photo place that we tried was not able to scan the film properly, so those shots will have to wait for another day. But, these pictures do a great job of showing the beautiful afternoon we spent at the farm in the orchards. my usually non-culinary dad even surprised us all by making a wonderful apple pie after we got home!
And i do apologize for falling off on the blogging for a bit. i actually have a bunch of great things i want to post... a fantastic antique sale i found, new vintage outfits, finally some pictures of the clothes i got from my estate-sale fairy godmother (!) and of course, new clothes for the shop! my camera cord that has been lost for these last few weeks was just found, so more posts shortly!